Natural Bridge State Park – The Overgrown Adventure

Generally, I tend to be an optimistic and positive person. Negativity just isn’t in my nature, especially when it’s about nature. (See what I did there…) Reflecting on this hike, however, I’m really struggling to find the reasons why I would suggest this park to anyone. It has beauty, yes, but so do many other locations. Does this park have enough beauty to outweigh the negatives and bring you here over another park? I’m not sure, so I guess I will let you decide. Continue reading

Dunes Galore! Kohler Andrae State Park

Another beautiful sandy park along the shores of Lake Michigan. On a sunny day, this park would have appeared even more stunning. Unfortunately,  this day the clouds dominated the sky and threatened drizzle all afternoon. Even so, the natural allure of this location is hard to deny.


Just a few miles south of Sheboygan, this park would be a constant summer weekend getaway for me if I were a local. Exploring the park, I was highly impressed with the sheer amount of open sandy beach space, perfect for an afternoon gathering.

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Chickpea Veggie Curry

I love curry. It’s such a year round comfort food for me.

In the past, curry has always fallen under the category of dishes I only eat when I’m at a restaurant because they are better left to the professionals. Sushi still lives in this category for me. Curry, I’m proud to say, has made the transition into everyday cooking. Don’t get me wrong, I still order it as much as possible at restaurants and it will probably always be an infinitely better version of my own. (I can’t compete with family recipes!) At least now I’m not afraid to make a quick, cheaper version for myself. Continue reading

Spicy Tomato Pasta

I’m a huge fan of grab and go lunches. I love a fresh salad at lunchtime, but the extra 7 minutes it takes to pack one usually guarantees that I will be 7 minutes late for work. Pack it the night before, you say? I have yet to master that. Soggy, dark spinach makes me sad and usually ends in skipping lunch all together or ordering takeout. Solution: making a week worth of lunches on Sunday so all I have to do in the morning is grab a container, a fork, and a piece of fruit.

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